Rain and puddle effects created with Unreal Engine.

Puddle Actor:
I created the puddle as a deferred decal actor. The material uses various noise textures as masks to hide the square edges of the puddle actor, and to add controlled variation for each puddle.
I made a material function that derives ripples from these textures that I created using Houdini Labs Game Tools. This function allows further control and randomization by changing the input parameters such as ripple strength, number of ripples and the width of a ripple. As well as duplicating the function with an offset to create overlapping ripples.
Ripple Material Function
Ripple Material Function
Ripple heights
Ripple heights
Ripple heights variation
Ripple heights variation
Ripple Normals
Ripple Normals
Rain Particles:
Most (90-95%) of the rain particles are GPU Niagara particles in a small distance around the camera. The remaining 5-10% are identical CPU particles that also generate collision events to source the splashes, in an even smaller distance in front of the camera.

Rain Material:
Both the rain droplets and the splash particles use the same material with different dynamic parameter values.

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